Black and White

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Noodle Olympics

We have started a new tradition here in Geneve. They are the Noodle Olympics. The entrants were, Paul, Laura and Susan (me). We have found several balancing, shooting and floating events to challenge even us Johnson's. Our first Noodle Olympics was celebrated this last Saturday afternoon. Though Paul and Laura competed with strong scores and courage; the winner was superior in balancing, which brought her scores up. :) Yep, I won.

Note: I also did the scoring :)


pattychatterley said...

it looks like this involves sun and fun, and maybe an impartial judge..ME!

The Larson's said...

Sounds like fun! Could your Noodle Olympics end with a noodle-ish dinner? Or do they "do" noodles in Switzerland? I like they way you're all canoodling together for the photo.