Black and White

Thursday, May 14, 2009

A Bear Sighting in Highlands Ranch!!!!!

We live in suburbia and not in the middle of the wilderness, but yesterday, a warning went out that there was a bear sighting near a park about a mile from us. We live at the edge of Highlands Ranch and this park is toward the middle. He must have come from our way and then crossed roads and neighborhoods via the green belt that runs throughout Highlands Ranch. The bear didn't hurt anyone. He seemed to be hungry and a little shy. Wow, our open spaces here have a alot of wildlife, including elk, deer, pronghorn, coyotes, eagles, bobcats......and now bears.


Caroline said...

Oh my! How exciting. We live bout a mile away from the mountains, but we get deer ALL the time in our yard. They ate the just-sprouted squash in our garden yesterday...grr. I'm starting to feel like wildlife is neat, but from a distance.

Anonymous said...

Wow, a real live bear! No lions and tigers yet, I hope? The most we ever see around us are possoms and racoons. Our squirrels get big and vicious, though!