Black and White

Monday, March 19, 2012

First Signs of Spring in Genthod

Each day on my walk I am seeing more and more signs that Spring is coming to our little corner of Switzerland. I love seeing the changes in the farm fields, trees and bushes. Today there were even flowers amid some old dried leaves. We have had a lot of rain this week so far, but if it means more signs of Spring then I am all for it.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

What a difference 40 years makes...

This week, Laura and I went to a conference down at the U.N. celebrating women. One of the speakers was Kin Phuc Phan Thi. She spoke of the terrible things that happened to her during the Viet Nam war. Her village was hit nearby with a Napam bomb and her back was covered in 3rd degree burns. It was when she shared the picture that I recognized who she was. I had grown up with that image. The Photographer won the Pulitzer Prize for the picture. It was wonderful to see what had happened to that little girl so afraid and in pain. Kim's speech was moving. Through tears, she shared how she learned to forgive as she found God and became a Christian. After the program, Laura and I went up to speak with the various speakers and when we approached Kim, she was still a little teary. Laura and I got to speak with Kim for some time. She gave us a little picture of herself. Before we left, Laura took a picture with Kim. This picture was one of smiles and peace....40 years in the making. What a great night.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Gendarme couché slow down!

Everywhere in Switzerland there are speed bumps. When we first moved here, I could not believe the number. The bumps are often longer from bump to bump too. You go up one side and travel for several yards before you come down the other side. Others are in the center of the street and they cause the car to go up at a weird tilt. Now, I may not like the speed bumps, but I do like what they are called here: gendarme couché! This translates into, Sleeping Policeman. That is just what they are too. I love this cute French much better that "Speed Bump" wouldn't you say?